H o n g s t e x
發明家黃文康 - inventor Wong Man Hong
2024 - Products Re-arrangment
Due to our company's reorganization, we arrange the
products range as follows:
Hongstex Int'l Co. - Product Range
Garments, Electronics, Sundries and General items.
Hongstex Int'l Co.
Simky Tech (HK) - Product Range
LED Clothes, LED Scrolling Message clothes , LED Clothes specification and relevant products, R&D and innovation.
Simky Tech (HK)
email :
G&N Art Wears
World created by G&N
Artwork (Het meisje met de parel - 1665, by Johannes Vermeer)
World distributor - Hongstex Int'l
Order inquiry to e-mail:
Get to Know hongstex
A True Professional
Hongstex is a garment company based in Hong Kong. We supply jackets,
jeans, blouses, t-shirts, coats, sweaters and fashion accessories to
EU markets, some for US.
We are an energetic creative group with non-stop development in various
Years before, company owner, Simon Wong (Wong Man Hong) invented a
new product "LED clothes". With many years effort, Mr Wong glade to see
that his new innovation is used widely in the world.
LED clothes is held by Simky Tech (HK) :
- LED lighting clothes
- LED Moving Message garments
- up to 4th edition LED garment is under processing
Recently, Simon Wong created two lines of new innovated jewellery :
a) Green fashion jewellery by Hongstex.
b) "Kitti Pearl" new century jewellery (patented and registered) by kitti.
We own a workshop in order to control the high quality samples for the
expert's enquiry. The beautiful pearl's natural colour is attracting
its lovers as well as the jewellery market is accepting it, nowaday.
Wong Man Hong ( Simon Wong )
The World 1st innovator of LED Clothes
and LED Scrolling Message clothes
World 1st innovator of kitti pearl
Hongstex Int'l Co./Simky Tech HK
( this e-mail: was terminated on
01-12-2023 by the server without reason)
The World 1st group of LED clothes in history
Wong Man Hong - Invented LED Clothes has joined the worldwide product list successfully
The World 1st LED clothes-The World 1st LED Scrolling Message clothes
2008 LED Clothes to Beijing Olypic games-LED 亮光服產品首推北京奧運
LED亮光服-動字服產品聲明 -
無線藝人多採用LED 亮光服抄襲品
LED clothes-announcement-LED
Specification of LED Clothes
Made In Hong Kong - 香港製造
This is The World 1st LED program Clothes.
This is The World 1st LED Scrolling Message clothes.
Wong Man Hong (黃文康),
The World 1st inventor of LED Clothes
and LED Scrolling Message clothes .
World 1st innovator of kitti master pearl.
( this e-mail: was terminated on
01-12-2023 by the server without reason)
LED Clothes specification and relevant product - 亮光服和相關產品 :
Wong Man Hong ( 黃文康 ) is the first inventor
of LED clothes in the world. My invention"LED clothes"
which is with all available LEDs set in/on all soft bended
materials, wearable materials/fabrics/garments
and movable, in design of decorative, graphic, wording,
photos,video... and any LED lighting effects.
LED garments and relevant concept of products -
all rights belong to Wong Man Hong .
~Other Invention of Wong Man Hong~
Skin recovery by own cells- Invented by
Wong Man Hong
Ladies and Men - Skin recovery by own cells-2023-07-25
enjoy the world's new things ...
Skin recovery by own cells .. New Invention .. Beauty Evolution ..
New Invention, Beauty Evolution .
Skin recovery by own cells.
Natural treatment is the world's 1st invention.
Enemy .. Enemy, the ladies facing the daily enemy is skin:
Wrinkle/Fine Lines on body ! Mid-age ladies are suffering/moody
daily caused by this kind of awful defects !
With this new invention "Natural treatment", the skin Wrinkles,
Fine Lines on face/neck .. would be improved, as well as skin
smoothly, younger appearance and to enhance the body healthy.
<< It could also recover the existing aging of Wrinkles and Lines >>.
Confidence would be back on users !
Happy ... Happy ... Happy !
After 10 years studied, this new treatments to remedy skin has been
invented by Mr Wong Man Hong. It contribute to those beauty lovers.
7 years human testing,
No pain,
No chemical,
No cream,
No injection,
No stimulation,
No side-effect,
Pure natural ingredient,
Improving the skin Wrinkles, Fine Lines, Sagging Skin,
by own cells skin recovery.
invented by
Wong Man Hong (黃文康),
The World 1st inventor of LED Clothes
and LED Scrolling Message clothes .
World 1st innovator of kitti pearl.
( this e-mail: was terminated on
01-12-2023 by the server without reason)
新一代全天然除紋修護 - 皮膚細胞自身修服 面紋, 頸紋.
改善老化跡象. 肌膚年輕化.
香港製造, Made In Hong Kong.
Wong Man Hong (黃文康)
The World 1st inventor of LED Clothes
and LED Scrolling Message clothes .
World 1st innovator of kitti pearl.
~Other Invention of Wong Man Hong~
World 1st kitti Master Pearl Created by Inventor
黃文康 ( Wong Man Hong )
world 1st kitti master pearl - NEW CENTURY JEWELLERY
Kitti master jewellery
enjoy the world's new things ... creative not copy !
Made In Hong Kong .. "kitti" master pearl
NEW CENTURY JEWELLERY, unique technology,
world 1st inventor and maker.
email :
( this e-mail: was terminated on
01-12-2023 by the server without reason)
Kitti master pearl "Registered"
All rights of all pearly shells, off the surface layer,
set in/on with diamonds, gems stone, crystal stone,
and all pearly shells set in/on with panel of gold,
platinum gold and all kind of K-gold with diamonds,
gems stone, crystal stone, (are applied to all jewellery
as rings, earrings, pendants, necklaces, chains, bracelets,
brooches .... etc),
belongs to Wong Man Hong (黃文康).
Wong Man Hong (Simon Wong)
The World 1st inventor of LED Clothes
and LED Scrolling Message clothes
World 1st innovator of kitti master pearl jewellery
Hongstex Int'l Co./KITTI (H.K.)
at website -
發明家-黃文康參選 2017 香港行政長官
Wong Man Hong participated 2017 Chief Executive Election
發明家-黃文康參選 2022 香港行政長官
Wong Man Hong participated 2022 Chief Executive Election
2023-李家超涉嫌參與協助 新昌,信和-
2023-李家超涉嫌參與協助 新昌,信和-
新昌 /信和物業管理公司迫害 -
(發明家) 黃文康, 一家 5 命 - 被害至家破人亡 !
貪官/物業管理公司 - 迫害 (發明家) 黃文康 - 實證 !
4年, e-mail 日日寄去各大港傳媒,
2023 現任香港首長 - 李家超 涉嫌參與協助
新昌 /信和物業管理公司, 用警權謀個人利,
用法治權, 迫害守法市民 !
(發明家) 黃文康, 一家 5 命 - 被害至家破人亡 !
貪官連 80 多歲老婦和小孩也傷害 !
<< 原來神也警族, 鬼也警族. 無法無天 迫害族 新昌,
信和, 污警 ! >> 新昌(Synergis Holding Ltd.)物業管理公司,
信和(sino group) 和 污警 22 年不停設局製造事件
加害 黃文康 一 家 .
-現終審首席大法官 #張舉能 支持違法裁決 .. 不實資料誣告,
不依香港法例 ! 還刁難受害人, 阻止上訴案件 !
-前首席法官 #馬道立 包庇欺詐案 !
-前律政司 #鄭若驊 支持砌生豬肉案, 還大大聲講法律 !
法治包庇自己友 ! 貪官我為王 .. 毀香港法治 !
- 砌生豬肉案, 有偽証人, 有不實影片. 証人/警員假口供,
施襲兇徒在法庭上. 作虛假陳術 .
證據確鑿, 法庭視之無物, 兇徒又可逍遙法外 !
被砌生豬肉案後, (發明家) 黃文康一家再被設局, 貪官動員警力,
法律部門迫害! 法官不理法則自說自話判案, 法律部門在實證下
更砌詞刁難阻止, 禁止受害人上訴案件!
警員編寫砌生豬肉劇,污狗精彩演出, 大展戲劇張力 .. 砌生豬肉案 !
黃文康被兇徒從車箱拉出襲擊, 後安排有人保護, 有人影片, 有人報警,
警員阻止受害人報警, 在公眾地不依警例, 大肆侮辱受害人 .
警方還反告受害人 !
剛剛 contact 位社工, 在她的辨公室電腦上, 全看不見
發明家 黃文康在 youtube 被害不公影片 ! 以下 post文 也不能現眾,
貪官全封殺 !
香港法治-包庇貪腐自己友 ! 法治再迫害我家 !
2021 -貪官迫害 22年 - 警隊長期製造事端加害, 滋擾, 跟蹤, 恐嚇,
嫲嫲不斷被滋擾, 數次在街上被打, 撞傷 ! 死前2星期,
物業管理公司仍不斷滋擾, 門鎖被破壞不能進屋 !
香港法治-包庇貪腐自己友 !
有高級警員追蹤我家已十多年! 港警公開我一家日常活動給跟蹤者,
傷害婦孺, 大量入力, 財力滋擾巿民!
2018 - 警員設局砌生豬肉案, 加害發明家 黃文康 !
(2013 - 警察放走傷我 80 多歲 嫲嫲 的兇徒) 法治欺凌市民 !
法官, 律師, 警務處長, 律政司, 特首, 政務師長全是知情不報
發明家 黃文康 一家被新昌(Synergis Holding Ltd.) 物業管理公司 和
信和物業管理公司迫離家園 , 被貪官長期製造事端加害 .
法庭披露 - 2015-July-03 .....
老牌公僕貪腐公司 新昌物業管理 - Synergis Holding Ltd .
現改名 昇捷控股 - Synergis Holding Ltd. 董事走佬 , 受賄案 , 當沒事 .
新昌有強大退休高官背景 - 無視法紀, 無法無天 !
樊卓雄 - 新昌董事總經理 (前房署職員), 王英偉 (副公務員事務司),
葉澍堃 (勞工處長), 黃燦光 (警務處副處) .
4年, e-mail 日日寄去各大港傳媒, 控訴新昌(Synergis Holding Ltd.)
物業管理公司 和 信和(sino group)物業管理公司 迫害巿民 !
#2023 現任香港首長 - 李家超 涉嫌參與協助 新昌 /信和物業管理公司
用警權謀個人利, 用法治權, 迫害守法市民 !
(發明家) 黃文康, 一家 5 命 - 被害至家破人亡 !
貪官連 80 多歲老婦和小孩也傷害 !
2017 - 已4年....已4年....已4年....由 2013-11-18 至 2017-09-07(日日寄) ....
<< 刑不上貪官/籐瓜族 ....香港法律...死亡>>
寄件者: <> 新增地址
日期: 2017年9月7日, 星期四, 上午05:58:23 GMT+08:00
收件者: <>, <>,
<>, <>, <>,
<>, <>,
<>, <>,
主旨: 貪官 - 包庇官物業管理公司再違法...破法律
至 : Mingpao, Singtao, Singpao, Oriental, Appledaily, ATV,
i-cable TV, Metro HK News, SCMP, HKheadline,TVB
警員設局-多年跟蹤者襲擊 發明家 黃文康
警方設局砌生豬肉案陷害 - 黃文康
砌生豬肉案 - 在法庭上, 公播片段證據 -
兇徒無業漢大叫 "" 小心 D, 你仔細老婆靚 "" .
無業漢不繼講假話, 警方還設局砌生豬肉案陷害 黃文康 -
警方斬頭斬尾找藉口 - 文字獄方式 - 檢控 . 發明家 - 黃文康 !
警方收起重要證據 - 黃文康被襲影片 .
執法部門用虛假陳述控書檢控, ( 還阻止 黃文康控告無業漢襲擊罪 ) !
(( 已證實有現役高級警員追蹤我家已十多年 , 還清楚我家所有事 .
此案,警方更不控告無業漢 - 襲擊罪 )) .
無業漢用 4 年時間跟蹤, 無業漢完全知曉我方出入時間 !
1) 2018-06-13 - 無業漢長期跟蹤更襲擊黃文康, 警方設局陷害黃文康,
借題拉人. << 當時警員更阻止黃文康打 999 報警舉報被襲擊 ! >>
處理這案的警員和 CID 找不到無業漢所有舊檔案 ??
( report no. TM RN 17040588 - 檔案全被刪除 ) .
2018-05月 - 襲擊案前 ( 無業漢自說已起我底 ), 還清楚我家所有事 .
無業漢 - 已跟蹤滋擾我家婦孺 4 年, 數百次跟蹤相證 ,
由 2014 2018 , 在不同時, 不同日, 不同地點).
本人強烈要求警方徹查, 以免發生更嚴重事件. 但不了了之 !
原來神也警方, 鬼也警方. 造案者- 新昌, 信和, 污警 !
a) 無業漢由那方渠道得知我方出入時間 ?
(這類 綁架式非法跟蹤 - 我家和親友安全嚴重受威脅) .
b) 為何用 4 年時間跟蹤我家婦孺 ?
c) 2013 - 警察放走傷我 80 多歲母親的兇徒 (當時母親獨自一人
在街上買東西), 80 多歲母親被弄傷後長期臥床.
2) 2017-11-28 - 刑事毀壞 , 警方檔案 (report no. TM RN 17038440)
a) CCTV 影片 - 沒有交代實情. 胡說了事 . (證物是否已被銷毀 ?) ,
b) 報警後 , 現場被改動 - 針對現場情況, 對破壞者有利 .
發明家 黃文康, 一家被新昌(Synergis Holding Ltd.)物業管理公司 和
信和(sino group)物業管理公司 迫離家園 !
新昌有強大退休高官背景 -
樊卓雄 - 新昌董事總經理 (前房署職員), 王英偉 (副公務員事務司) ,
葉澍堃 (勞工處長), 黃燦光 (警務處副處) .
Get in touch today for additional info on the latest designs at hongstex.